SCARA Annual Dinner January 12, 2024

Our annual dinner was held at the Smithville Inn, Smithville, NJ on Friday, January 12, 2024. There were 41 members and guests present at the event. The club would like to thank Marie, KD2BAQ, for handling the arrangements for our dinner with help from Art K2AUX, Bill KC2AAY and others. The invocation was given by Art Masker K2AUX.
Our guest speaker was Jim Eberwin retired Meteorologist and Absecon OEM Coordinator.

SCARA Annual Dinner January 12, 2024
2023 Silent Keys
Arnie Coro CO2KK
Wayne Jackson AA2WJ
John E. Jesperson KD2OHY
James G. Fisher AJ3DI

2024 Officers
President: Bil Schwoer KC2AAY
Vice President: Bill Paulus N2BDP
Secretary: Dennis Emerick KD2JJF
Treasurer: Robert Webb WA2YSA

2024 Board of Directors
David Larcombe KD2KVZ (past President)
Art Masker K2AUX
Marie Masker KD2BAQ
Diann Gentile KD2BND
Geoffrey Gentile KD2BJX
Ken Chotiner K5FFD

2023 Service Awards
The following members received Certificates of Appreciation for service to the club.

Dave KD2KVZ, Dennis KD2JJF, Bill N2BDP, Ken K5FFD
Marie KD2BAQ, Art K2AUX, Tom Jr. KD2UVR, Tom Sr. KD2ADP
Vince W2KU, Alex WA2ADS Mike N2ICV and Larry KB2MN

2023 VE Team Members
Mike N2MHO, David W2DRB, John W2JDT, Bob WA2YSA,
Bill N2BDP, Christine K2CTW, Vince W2KU, Ken K5FFD,
Ken KN2J, Nancy N2ANG, Larry KB2MN

Amateur of the Year 2023


Dennis KD2JJF, presented the 2023 Amateur of the Year Award
to William D. Paulus N2BDP.

Click here to view AOY Write-up


Last Updated... February 10, 2024 0030 UTC